Tip Sheets are organized by published date. Please note, you can search this page with key terms by click control + F on your keyboard. 

2024 Tip Sheets

March 2024
Logging with Multiple Jobs in Epic
Creating SmartPhrases 

April 2024
Back Office Customization 
Hospice DX Primary Combination Codes
Ordering Flushes in Epic

2023 Tip Sheets
Documenting Preferred Names
Adding Pain Descriptor Row in Addition to Other Pain Assessments
GIP Documentation Guidance
Saving Scanned Documents in Vyne/Trace
When the Certifying Hospice Physician and the Attending Physician are the Same
Creating SmartPhrases
Pain Assessment Flowsheets Now Have Several Default Rows
Adding Care Team Members in the New Intake Navigators
Adding Face Face in New Intake Navigators
Intake Activity Has a New Look and New Functions
Hyperspace My Chart Signup
Hyperspace Now Has Male External Urinary Catheter Status Group
Hyperspace Now Has Wound Removal Reason Not Present on Admission
Inpatient Hospice Medication Reconciliation
Inpatient Hospice Non-Covered Items Addendum
Entering Hospice Patient Contacts and Caregivers in Intake
Adding SmartText Templates to a Note
Discharging a HPH Patient to Community Hospice
Reverse HPH Discharge Made in Error
Documenting Vaccine History in Hyperspace
Orders Only: SmartText Added to Note to Pharmacy
Patient Dismissal and Violent Flags
Navigate Web Based Referral Entry
Update Once Coverage at a Time or Review All at Once
Create Communications from a Central Spot
Save Time Using the New Referral Entry Framework
New Pre-Cert Status Column  in Auth/Cert Coverage Grid
Create and Edit Patient Events from Hyperspace

2022 Tip Sheets
Adding Medications to the MAR Tip Sheet

Epic High Pointe House Tip Sheets