Volunteer Handbook

Quid Pro Quo (Video 2 Min) 

HIPPA (Video 8 Min)

Infection Control
Handwashing Video
Hand Rub Video

Orientation Test

Veteran's Class- Wounded Warrior (Video

Merrimack Valley Hospice Dementia Training
Please watch the following four videos to complete your annual dementia education. After watching the videos, please click on the link "Online Attestation" at the bottom of the page and complete the online attestation. Thank you.​

1.  Alzheimer's: The Caregiver's Perspective Education Video - 58 minutes

2.  Alzheimer's: Responding to Challenging Behaviors Module 14 Video - 52 minutes
If you are asked to enter a password when you click on the above link, please enter the password NHdementia23.

3.  Mum And Me (Alzheimer's Documentary) Video - 59 minutes

4.  Aging Matters: Living with Alzheimer's and Dementia Video - 58 minutes

​Online Attestation

​Dementia Modules 
Please click on this link to Dementia Training in NH Care & Hospice. Once you enter the website click on the link for the Module you would like to watch and you will need to enter a password. The password is NHdementia23. After watching the video please complete the online attestation. Thank you.

Module 1: Understanding Dementia - ​Link to the Online Attestation

Module 2: A Stage Theory and Why behaviors occur in people with Dementia - Link to the Online Attestation​

Module 4: Understanding Behaviors and Communications - Link to the Online Attestation

Module 16: Parkinson’s Dementia and Lewy Body Dementia - Link to the Online Attestation

Additional Videos for Training

​I See Dead People: Dream and Visions of the Dying by Dr. Christopher Kerr (Video 18 Min)

​ Beyond the Cliff | Laura van Dernoot Lipsky (Video 20 Min)

Buddhism Training (Video 50 Min)

Judaism Training (Video 57 Min)

Bereavement and Boundaries​ (Video 42 Min)
