RBC Limited ICD 10
Intake 2-Part Webinar Series

Directions to access Intake Part 1 Webinar on RBC Limited website:
1.  Click on the RBC Limited Link to access website http://education.rbclimited.com/
2.  Click on "View a purchased Webcast using a Passcode"
3.  Click on "Staff Viewers" near the bottom of the page
4.  Enter the Education Program Passcode of ejrtx43s
5.  Click on "First Time Users" box 1/2 way down on the left hand side of the page
6.  Click on "Continue" at the bottom of the page
7.  Please note your 3 digit personal access code at the top of the page and write
     it down somewhere. You will need this 3 digit access code to log into the site 
8.  Fill in all the empty fields on the page
9. Click on "Continue" at the bottom of the page

Intake Part 1 Webinar Handout

Directions to access Intake Part 2 Webinar on RBC Limited website:
1. Click on the RBC Limited Link to access website http://education.rbclimited.com/
2. Click on "View a purchased Webcast using a Passcode"
3. Click on "Staff Viewers" near the bottom of the page
4. Enter the Education Program Passcode of euabogor
5. Click on "First Time Users" box 1/2 way down on the left hand side of the page
6. Click on "Continue" at the bottom of the page
7.  Please note your 3 digit personal access code at the top of the page and write
  it down somewhere. You will need this 3 digit access code to log into the site 
8.  Fill in all the empty fields on the page
9. Click on "Continue" at the bottom of the page

Intake Part 2 Webinar Handout

The steps required to receive CE Credits or a Certificate of Attendance
    Step 1: Complete you personal information.

    Step 2: *For CE Credits, take the pre-test.

    Step 3: Watch the webcast.

    Step 4: *For CE Credits: take the post-test.

    Step 5: Take the survey.

    Step 6: Download your CE Certificate or your Certificate of Attendance.

*These steps are NOT required for Certificate of Attendance.